16.04.2023 10:00 am - 3:00 pm



flier River Weaver 16th 2

Mersey Rivers Trust is pleased to be supporting the work by British Canoeing, the Angling Trust and Canal & Rivers Trust to remove the Floating Pennywort invasive plant species from the River Weaver to protect fish, other wildlife and recreation on this waterway.

WHEN: Sunday 16th April 2023, from 10:00am until 3pm

Any time you can offer throughout the day will be greatly appreciated.  PLEASE NOTE: you must REGISTER IN ADVANCE to volunteer

Please register your attendance by 14th April at latest at:

Pennywort voluntary day (Jake) - Formstack

WHERE: The River Weaver near Weaver Parkway, Winsford.  Specific parking and meeting arrangements will be communicated to all who register

WHAT WE WILL BE DOING?  There will be a role for anyone who wishes to help. There will be opportunities to:-

  • Work from the water in or on a canoe/kayak/paddleboard
  • Work from the side of bank (as this is deep water – no wading permitted)
  • Non-physical supporting roles - do whatever you feel comfortable with!

For information: Floating Pennywort is an Invasive Non-Native Species (INNS) from South America and is threatening the habitat and native species of the River Weaver. It creates a heavy matting of vegetation on the river surface, reducing sunlight and oxygen to the water below and making paddle sports very difficult. 

After the success of other volunteer action days, the Angling Trust and British Canoeing are continuing the battle against Floating Pennywort on the River Weaver with this event and further events during 2023.  Please come along to support this activity.

flier River Weaver 16th

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