Volunteer with us....
Volunteers are vital to the work of Mersey Rivers Trust, as without them we would not be able to achieve even a half of what we do. As a trust we cover the whole of the Mersey Basin, and so our volunteers vastly increase the capacity of our trust by being our eyes and ears on the ground in various different ways.
There are activities that people people of all ages and abilities can get involved in, from age 3 to 103. All of the work is very varied and rewarding as you make a difference in your local environment, and it is also an excellent way to get out and enjoy the great outdoors with like-minded people. You can gain experience through working parties, gain skills through our training courses for citizen scientists, or gain certified qualifications for those that wish to undertake more formal learning.
Every minute of volunteer time is very much appreciated, and you can set your commitment to do only as much as you can manage without any pressure from us. All tools and training is provided, as well as ongoing support throughout the activity or project. On working party days all important tea and biscuits are provided!
Please see below for the different volunteer roles we have at the Mersey Rivers Trust. To find a working party or training event near you please visit our events page here, or contact us here for more information.

Water Sampling
Our volunteers are trained as citizen scientists to monitor the water quality of their local rivers. They are given kits to test the water for Nitrates, Phosphates, Ammonia, turbidity and temperature.
Kick Sampling
Material on the river bed is disturbed by kicking to release invertebrates and collected using a net. The types and quantities of invetebrates present provide an insight into the health of the river.

Litter Picks
Volunteers help us tidy up the bed and banks of our rivers across the whole of the Mersey basin. This often involves getting in the river and wading to collect litter from hard to reach areas.
Leaky Dam Construction
Willow is weaved together to form a barrier within small channels and ditches. This slows the flow of water into the main brook or river to allow vegetation to take up the water and nutrients, therefore reducing flooding downstream and improving the quality of the water.

Water Vole Surveys
Volunteers are trained to identify water vole habitats and latrines to monitor their presence. They are a protected species so it is important that no work will be undertaken that endangers them.
Invasive Non-Native Species Control
Spraying, digging and removal of invasives is essential in allowing native plants and animals to thrive. Himalayan Balsam, Giant Hogweed and Japanese Knotweed require regular maintenance to ensure they are not spread. The help of our volunteers is essential in INNS control as we can cover a much larger area therefore having a greater impact.

Outfall Safaris
Volunteers are trained in walkover surveys to locate outfalls and identify types of point source pollution. This gives us an idea of what is entering the river and potential water quality issues that may occur.
During this two-year project, we will train volunteers as citizen scientists to help us collect plastic litter from the waterways of the Mersey and sort, count and quantify the plastic items found.
Find out more about the project here.
You can sign up for the free training here: PlasticFreeMersey Training